旱涝年相同的特征包括:1) 主要低频水汽源地是贝加尔湖的南侧、日本海北部和黄海、南海和西太平洋。2)主要低频水汽环流系统是贝加尔湖反气旋(LBAC)、东北气旋(东北气旋)、菲律宾海反气旋(PSAC)和华南气旋(SCC)(图1)。旱涝年的不同特征包括:1)涝年,日本南部海域另一个水汽源地,澳大利亚反气旋是另一个重要的低频水汽环流系统(图1)。2)涝年有两个西南暖水汽流和一个东南越赤道水汽流,而旱年只有一个西南暖水汽流。此外,大部分显著的预测信号在涝年和旱年的大约-4 d时开始出现,但类似的预测信号出现的时间是有区别的,有些预测信号只出现在涝年(图2和图3)。
Figure 1. The composite 10–20-d LF column-integrated water vapor flux (vector,uint:105 g m-1s-1, significant at α =0.1 level) and the corresponding water vapor flux divergence (shaded, uint: g m-2s-1 ) based on the peak phase 3(a,b) and the valley phase 7 (c,d) of 10–20-d LF precipitation during the flood (a,c) and drought (b,d)years. A and C represent anticyclonic and cyclonic LF water vapor circulation, respectively.
Figure 2. Lead-lag correlation coefficient vector maps (significant at α=0.05 level) for the flood years, produced based on 10–20-d LF column-integrated water vapor fluxes 8–0 d before LF precipitation and time intervals of 2 d. A and C represent anticyclonic and cyclonic LF water vapor circulation systems, respectively, and the long red vector represents wet-warm water vapor transport channel.