国际顶级学术期刊Science子刊Science Advances(《科学·进展》)以Research Article的形式在线发表了题为“Aerosol-forced multidecadal variations across all ocean basins in models and observations since 1920”的最新研究成果。该工作是由中心研究人员与美国纽约州立大学戴爱国教授共同完成。
Fig. 1. In-phase, multidecadal SST variations across all ocean basins in observations and models. (A) Temporal (black line) and (B) spatial patterns of the leading EOF (92% variance) in global (60°S–60°N) low-pass filtered SST fields from CMIP5 MMM of all-forcing simulations from 1920-2012 after the GHG-induced warming (pink line) being removed through linear regression. Also shown in A are: the smoothed tropospheric aerosol optical depth (AOD) averaged over the oceans (red, grey=trend), linearly-detrended annual-mean SST anomalies averaged over the North Atlantic (80°W–0°W, 0°–60°N) as in (18) (blue) and annual SST anomalies averaged over the North Atlantic after removing the global-mean SST as in (19) (green). (C) Correlation between the black line in A and local low-pass filtered SST anomalies from observations during 1920-2012 after removing the GHG-induced warming through regression. The black (grey) stippling indicates statistically significant correlations at the 0.05 (0.1) level based on a Student's t-test considering autocorrelation. The data near the right end in A (marked by dashed lines and excluded in the calculation for C) were derived with mirrored data in the filtering. Results are similar using 13-year moving averages. The outlined boxes in C are analyzed further below.
与此同时,地球科学领域的顶级期刊《Geophysical Research Letters》也在线发表了题为“Quantifying contributions of internal variability and external forcing to Atlantic multidecadal variability since 1870”的研究论文,后续报道了有关内部自然变率和人为活动影响大西洋多年代际变率(AMV)的物理机制。该工作也是由我中心师生与美国纽约州立大学合作完成。
Fig. 2. Aerosol-induced multidecadal variations in NASST. (a) The epoch-mean of the SST anomalies (ºC) during four AMO phase periods from CMIP5 MMM of single forcing (i.e., NAT, VA, SI and AA) simulations. The multi-model ensemble average is shown by the black dots. The box plots show the distribution of SST anomalies, with the inside line for the median, the box for the 25th and 75th percentile range, and the whiskers for the maximum and minimum values. The bright purple box indicates the epoch-mean during 1902-1914 with strong volcanic eruptions. The bright yellow box denotes the epoch-mean of SST anomalies during 1996-2012 with AA-forcing model simulations, which extend to 2012. We calculated the SST anomalies from each single forcing simulation with its linear trend from 1870-2005 removed. (b) The Northern Hemispheric mean of stratospheric aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 550 nm as implemented in CMIP5 model simulations for 1870-2012 (black line with blue shading). The light blue line represents the smoothed ambient aerosol optical depth (AOD) at λ = 550 nm averaged over the North Atlantic from the CMIP5 AA-forcing MMM from 1870-2005 with its linear trend (dashed line). The annual-mean total solar irradiance (TSI, W/m2, red line) from 1870-2005. Horizontal red lines indicate the epoch-mean of the TSI.
Qin Minhua, Dai Aiguo, Hua Wenjian. 2020. Aerosol-forced multidecadal variations across all ocean basins in models and observations since 1920. Science Advances, 6(29), eabb0425.https://10.1126/sciadv.abb0425
Qin Minhua, Dai Aiguo, Hua Wenjian. 2020. Quantifying contributions of internal variability and external forcing to Atlantic multidecadal variability since 1870. Geophysical Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL089504