特邀海德堡大学Holger Grosshans博士来我校作学术报告

作者:协同中心 发布时间:2015-08-30 浏览量:27332

报告题目:Large-Eddy Simulation of Multiphase Flows
主 持 人: 曹 乐 博士
报告时间: 2015年8月31日(星期一) 上午10:00
报告地点: 气象楼1114报告厅
Holger Grosshans:
Academic Experience
2013–today University Heidelberg, Heidelberg/Germany.
Postdoc in the research group “Multiphase Flows and Combustion” of Prof. Eva Gutheil
2008–2013 University Lund, Lund/Sweden.
PhD student in the “Fluid Mechanics”, advisor: Prof. László Fuchs
2002–2007 Technical University Dresden, Dresden/Germany.
1999–2002 Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Ravensburg,
1989–1998 Carl-Friedrich Gauß Gymnasium, Hockenheim/Germany.
Research Interests
Numerical simulation,Scientific computing,Multiphase flows,Breakup of liquid jets and droplets,Evaporation phenomena,Atmospheric turbulence