
作者:协同中心 发布时间:2014-12-08 浏览量:86846



报告题目:Remote sensing estuarine water quality from satellites: from research to management 



主 持 人:丘仲锋教授 



Research interests: 

Ocean color remote sensing algorithms and novel products,Remote sensing of coastal and inland water quality,Harmful algal blooms and water environment events,Bio-optical properties,Ecological modeling,Climate change 

Reviewer of professional journals: 

Remote Sensing of Environment,Limnology&Oceanography,Journal of Geophysical
Research:Oceans,IEEE Geosci.&Remote Sens.,Optics Express,Science of the
Total Environment,Hydrobiologia,Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth
Observations and Remote Sensing,Marine and Freshwater Research,Continental
Shelf Research,Advance in Space Research,International journal of Remote sensing,
Remote Sensing,IEEE Geosci.&Remote Sens Letters;Poles one. 


Dr. Le has published 15 high-level papers as the first author, such as Remote Sensing of Environment, Optics Express, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Progress in Oceanography, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing, etc.